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Find An Outpatient Detox Near You


The Coleman Institute offers a variety of outpatient detox treatment options at locations nationwide. Our ground-breaking Coleman Method has helped thousands of patients recover from the effects of addiction. Whether you want to detox from opiates or alcohol, we can help.



Featured Blogs & Resources Recommended For You


Alcohol Addiction & Detox, Explained by Experts
We are dedicated to educating those who think they might be suffering from alcohol addiction and their loved ones. Here are some of the most common questions about alcohol addiction, answered by the Coleman Institute’s addiction experts.

How Do I Know It's Safe to Stop Drinking Alcohol?

How Do I Know It’s Safe to Stop Drinking Alcohol?
Not everyone needs a medical detox off alcohol, but it can be dangerous to stop drinking abruptly if your body has developed a strong tolerance. Read more about the possible dangers of trying to quit drinking “cold turkey” here.

Gray Area Drinking: 6 Warning Signs & How to Get Help

Gray Area Drinking: 6 Warning Signs & How to Get Help
Gray area drinking is when your drinking habits are in a zone that is hard to define. Not black, not white. Is it a problem or not? Am I drinking too much, or is it “normal?” Explore 6 warning signs that you may be a gray area drinker here.

Couple smiling at each other

Over 60? 3 Great Reasons to Stop Drinking Now
Is a little alcohol good or bad for your health? When it comes to aging and alcohol, the negatives outweigh the positives. Here are 3 compelling reasons to stop drinking for healthy aging, and information about how we can help.

Alcoholic or Just A Bad Habit

Alcohol Habit vs Addiction – How It Forms
Though addiction is far more than just a “bad habit,” we’ve found that some of the concepts explored in James Clear’s best selling book Atomic Habits are useful tools for people in recovery looking to build a healthier life.

See What Other Patients are Saying about Coleman Institute…


Gene – Former Alcohol Patient
“Life is best when you can enjoy it clean and sober”


Ryan – Alcohol Detox Patient
“Using the Coleman Method was the only one that has worked for me for a long period of time.”