by The Coleman Institute | Jun 30, 2020
“Tripping Over Joy” What is the difference Between your experience of Existence And that of a saint? The saint knows That the spiritual path Is a sublime chess game with God And that the Beloved Has just made such a Fantastic Move That the saint is now continually...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 9, 2020
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits defines the Habit Loop as consisting of four components: the cue or trigger, the craving, the response and the reward. By breaking each component down he offers strategies for those who are attempting to create a new habit or...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 5, 2020
While these are uncertain times, the Coleman Institute remains committed to helping patients while we all navigate the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation. At this time, the Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine is continuing to treat patients who need a detox off...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 2, 2020
We all have to display an immense amount of courage and resilience to make it through the current pandemic. It’s a difficult and painful time in the history of the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is all over the media. It is natural to feel fearful and discouraged. There...
by The Coleman Institute | May 25, 2020
Using willpower to change a behavior means working hard to achieve something; Merriam Webster defines will power as “energetic determination.” If I need willpower to accomplish something, then I am attempting a task that I feel some level of conflict about doing. Like...