by The Coleman Institute | Jun 12, 2024
In an effort to help curb the opioid crisis in our country, more and more doctors are refusing to prescribe necessary opiate-based pain medication for patients suffering from chronic pain. In fact, a recent study found that approximately 40 percent of primary care...
by Andrew Blake | Jun 12, 2024
Patients who have stopped using opiates using the Coleman Method and gone through the opioid detox and withdrawal process often wonder why their energy levels are so low and ask about ways they might boost it. Long-term opioid use can have life-threatening side...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 12, 2024
Because older detoxification techniques were often painful and unsuccessful, addiction medicine researchers wanted a better approach. By the 1980s, these researchers pioneered the Anesthesia Detox, which was intended to provide a more comfortable and effective...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 12, 2024
In the journey toward recovery from opioid pain medication addiction, deciding which opiate detox method to choose plays a pivotal role. While Suboxone has long been a cornerstone of therapy in addiction medicine, particularly for those seeking to overcome dependence...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 5, 2024
A patient called the other evening. He finished his rapid opioid detox about a week ago. He has a very physical job and is the father of a 4-month-old baby, Noah. Noah is the reason he finally decided he had to stop using opioids once and for all. He has been using...