Pain Medicine: Is it Skewing Your Priorities?

Pain Medicine: Is it Skewing Your Priorities?

I am in the luxurious position of spending most of my time doing exactly what I want to do. Of course, there are still toilets to clean, laundry, bills and taxes, but I love my day job and spend my free time cooking good stuff, doing yoga, practicing calligraphy and...
Is Rapid Opioid Detox Really Too Good To Be True?

Is Rapid Opioid Detox Really Too Good To Be True?

I am going to change the details for my patient’s confidentiality, but the basic story is spot on. Alana, a beautiful 23-year-old woman who lives far away from Richmond, VA, convinced her mother to bring her to the Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine to help her...
The Myth of the ‘Functioning Alcoholic’

The Myth of the ‘Functioning Alcoholic’

Rebecca now realizes that this is no longer a joke. While she used to kid around calling herself a “functioning alcoholic,” that all changed when, after many attempts at cutting back, stopping drinking for a period of time, or setting limits, she suddenly lost her job...
I’m Addicted But I’m Not An Addict

I’m Addicted But I’m Not An Addict

Looking at my schedule a few weeks ago, I saw that a new patient was coming in for a consultation to learn more about our Accelerated Opioid Detox (AOD). Detox means different things to different people. If you google the word, you’ll find references to various liquid...