Accelerated Ultram® Detox
The Coleman Institute offers Accelerated Ultram® Detox options in Denver, CO
Ultram® is an opioid agonist used for pain relief. This means that it binds to endorphin receptors in the brain to produce a response in the body. Because Ultram® occupies these receptors, the brain thinks it has already produced enough endorphins and halts production. Rather than relying on itself, your brain now relies on Ultram®. Physical dependency can happen quickly, often in the first use.
Withdrawal from Ultram® can be severe. Our outpatient Accelerated Ultram® Detox in Denver, CO removes these harmful chemicals, so chemical levels can return to normal. Our process is safe, effective, and comfortable. Using an accelerated approach, we are able to detox patients on an outpatient basis in as few as five days.
Unlike detoxing on your own, our Accelerated Ultram® Detox is safe, effective, and much more convenient. You don’t need to take a long break from your daily life to complete your detox. At The Coleman Institute in Denver, CO, it is possible to gain your life back from the grips of Ultram® over the course of a long weekend.
Don’t let Ultram® addiction rule your life.
Check out these helpful resources for more details:
You can free yourself from addiction. Let’s take the next step together. Call us at 877-773-3869.