Accelerated Roxicodone Detox
The Coleman Institute offers Accelerated Roxicodone Detox options in Orange County, CA
Roxicodone is commonly prescribed to reduce or alleviate severe pain. As an opiate, Roxicodone changes the way you perceive and respond to pain. It also triggers a release of dopamine which can initiate an emotional response.
Both of these alterations to your cognitive function can result in craving these effects even more; craving Roxicodone. Furthermore, higher and higher doses are needed to appease those cravings. Addiction and dependence on Roxicodone can develop frighteningly fast. Quitting Roxicodone on your own can be even more dangerous.
At the Coleman Institute in Orange County, CA, we offer an outpatient Accelerated Roxicodone Detox that pushes Roxicodone out of your body in as few as 5 days. Patients are able to detox without the painful withdrawal symptoms involved in other programs.
The Benefits of Accelerated Roxicodone Detox at the Coleman Institute in Orange County, CA:
Outpatient Care
- As few as 5 days to complete the process
- No general anesthesia
- No hospital stays required
Minimal Discomfort
- Safe, assisted withdrawal process
- Medicine to reduce discomfort
- Caring support from medical professionals who understand addiction
Long-Term Support
- Naltrexone therapy to reduce cravings and reduce the risk of relapse
- Plan for maintaining sobriety
- Access to recovery support services
Check out these helpful resources for more details:
You can free yourself from addiction. Let’s take the next step together. Call us at 877-773-3869.