Alcohol Detox

The Coleman Institute offers Alcohol Detox options in Phoenix, AZ

In the United States, close to 88,000 people die each year from alcohol-related causes. It is the third largest cause of preventable deaths. Drinking is such a common part of our society that most people don’t realize how quickly an alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, can develop.

Cutting back or quitting cold turkey can be extremely difficult and, in some cases, have severe withdrawal symptoms. At its worst, detoxifying off of alcohol can lead to seizures or a life-threatening condition known as Delirium Tremens (DTs). In the past, patients were hospitalized to detox from alcohol in order to reduce these risks.

At the Coleman Institute in Phoenix, AZ, we’ve found another way. Our innovative alcohol detox program offers a path towards the addiction-free life you deserve and is done on a completely outpatient basis.

Our program begins by replenishing your body with the vitamins and minerals that have been depleted over time due to alcohol use. After restoring these nutrients, we’ll give you medicine to keep you calm, comfortable and safe as your blood alcohol level drops. After a few hours, you’ll go home. Then, for the next 2 days, you’ll return to our office until you complete the detox. Once your body is free of alcohol, we’ll help you begin your new life in recovery.

Our long-term recovery services include:

  • Naltrexone Therapy to reduce cravings and reduce the risk of relapse
  • Plan for maintaining sobriety
  • Access to recovery support services

Check our these helpful resources for more details:

You can free yourself from addiction. Add your name to the 98% of patients who successfully completed their detox.

Let’s take the next step together. Call us at 877-773-3869.

We Can Help

Give us a call today to get started on the road to recovery.

If you would rather have our office contact you at a later date, please click on the link below to schedule a time for us to call you back.