by The Coleman Institute | Jul 16, 2020
Abraham is a soft-spoken man in his mid 40’s. He is a born listener, discerning when he speaks, and reminds me of the old adage to use words only when it improves upon the silence. Abraham found the Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine online when he was trying to...
by The Coleman Institute | Jul 7, 2020
This was one of the best takeaways from my interview with Casey McGuire Davidson, who became a Certified Life Coach and a Master Practitioner in Core Energy Leadership to “help other successful women who’ve gotten into the habit of drinking too much or too often,...
by The Coleman Institute | Jul 1, 2020
There’s no pretty way to say it, Tia kicked my butt in yoga last week. She’s the owner of the studio I’ve belonged to for a long time, and I try to get to several classes a week. Hers is a core class, and she’s got a reputation for teaching beautifully choreographed...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 30, 2020
“Tripping Over Joy” What is the difference Between your experience of Existence And that of a saint? The saint knows That the spiritual path Is a sublime chess game with God And that the Beloved Has just made such a Fantastic Move That the saint is now continually...
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 25, 2020
Beatrice came in for a follow up visit. She is in her early 50’s and has wrestled with her addiction to alcohol for more than half of her lifetime. Except for a (pretty bad) one night slip last Thanksgiving, she now has two years of recovery under her belt. She holds...