Detox from Fentanyl Quickly And Comfortably At The Coleman Institute In Richmond, VA
If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction to Fentanyl, know this one key fact: You are not alone. Opiates are the most addictive drugs, and they can cause dependence the first time anyone uses them. Often, people judge opiate addiction as a sign of weakness. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Opiate addiction is not a personality flaw — it’s a chronic disease.
When someone becomes addicted to Fentanyl, the drug hijacks the brain’s chemical production. As a result, their brain stops making enough of the endorphins needed to feel happy and reduce pain. Our Fentanyl Detox helps to remove these harmful chemicals, so endorphin levels can eventually return back to normal. The misery you feel from trying to detox on your own is natural. But it’s not the only path toward the addiction-free life you deserve.
With Fentanyl Detox using the Coleman Method, you can quickly, safely detox from Fentanyl without going through the agonizing withdrawal symptoms that come with self-detox or disrupting your life with an extended stay in a rehab facility or hospital.
Benefits of the Coleman Institute’s outpatient Fentanyl Detox program in Richmond, VA:
- Outpatient Fentanyl detox in as few as 5-6 days
- Outpatient program – no stays in a hospital or rehab facility
- No general anesthesia required
- Safe, comfortable withdrawal assisted by non-addictive medications
- Compassionate support from medical professionals who understand addiction
- Long-term medication support using Naltrexone Therapy
- Assistance with making long-term plans to maintain sobriety.
You deserve a better life. You deserve freedom from Fentanyl addiction. Let’s take the next step together. Call Us Now at 877-773-3869.
The Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine – Richmond
204 N. Hamilton Street, Suite B
Richmond, VA 23221
Team Members Available for Questions by Phone 24/7
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EST
Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM EST
See What Our Richmond Heroin Detox Patients Have To Say…
Opioid Patient — Richmond, VA, October 2020
Jason – Richmond, VA, March 2019
Richmond, VA, August 2017
How Big a Problem Is Fentanyl In Virginia?
The opioid epidemic is a big problem in Virginia, and Fentanyl has played an outsized role in addiction, overdoses, and overdose deaths.
According to recent data from the Virginia Department of Health, Fentanyl overdoses in Virginia began to rise every year starting in 2013. There was a particularly sharp increase in 2016, then another even sharper increase in 2020, and they reached an all time high of 2,039 yearly deaths in 2021. As a point of comparison, there were only 50 recorded deaths attributed to Fentanyl overdose in 2012. That’s a 3978% increase in yearly Fentanyl overdose deaths in only 9 years.
To compare those two years again, in 2012, Fentanyl use was involved in around 6.3% of all drug overdose deaths in Virginia. By 2021, that percentage had skyrocketed, with Fentanyl use contributing to around 76% of all drug overdose deaths in Virginia.
Because of this extreme rise in Fentanyl overdose deaths, fatal drug overdose has been the #1 cause of unnatural death in Virginia since 2013, and has killed more Virginians than gun-related deaths and motor vehicle deaths combined since 2020.
There are many reasons for the rise of Fentanyl use and addiction in the U.S., but perhaps the most impactful is that it’s less expensive than heroin and much more potent, which makes it easier to produce, transport, and store. It’s so powerful and cheap that many street drugs – including cocaine, heroin, other opioids – are cut with it or even fully replaced by it. Many of our detox patients are shocked when we detect Fentanyl in their system because they had no idea that they had been purchasing and using Fentanyl or drugs that had been cut with Fentanyl. There’s a reason that the DEA’s anti-Fentanyl campaign is called “One Pill Can Kill” – that’s because it’s true. There is no quality control in the world of street drugs. You have no idea what is actually in them, and you may not find out until it’s too late.
If you or someone you know is suffering from Fentanyl, please know that you are not alone. We are here to help. Call 877-773-3869 now or schedule a callback using the button below to learn more about our Fentanyl Detox program.
What To Expect From Our Fentanyl Detox Program In Richmond, VA
We understand that Fentanyl is a particularly challenging opioid to detox from because its potency makes it extremely addictive and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms. We’re here to help you through this process every step of the way. Here’s what you can expect from an outpatient Fentanyl detox using the Coleman Method:
Getting Started:
When you decide you’re ready, call us at 877-773-3869 or request a callback from one of the Care Advocates on our Richmond, VA team. During the initial call, your Care Advocate will answer any questions you may have about our approach to Fentanyl detox and help you choose the dates when you want to start the detox process. We can typically start your treatment within a week of your first call.
Before Your Appointment:
We ask all of our Fentanyl detox patients to stop using Fentanyl at least 16 to 48 hours before their first scheduled appointment, based on guidance from our physicians. We also ask that all of our Fentanyl detox patients have a support person present for the duration of their detox and for 48 hours after the completion of detox. As Fentanyl is a particularly difficult drug to detox from, the participation of this support person is especially important. Patients in detox should not drive a motor vehicle and should be monitored at all times to ensure their safety.
Your First Appointment:
When you arrive at our Richmond, VA detox center for your first appointment, you will likely be in mild withdrawal from stopping Fentanyl use. One of our experienced, licensed practitioners will begin administering your tailored regimen of comfort medications, which continues throughout the day, to help relieve your withdrawal symptoms. Your practitioner will also administer microdose Naltrexone.
Intermediate Appointments:
The intermediate days of outpatient accelerated Fentanyl treatment are much like the first day. Your practitioner will continue to manage and provide tailored doses of comfort medications according to your individual needs, and will continue the microdose Naltrexone.
Final Appointment:
By the time of the final appointment, you will have made significant progress in detoxing from Fentanyl. On the final day, you will rest comfortably in a private room at our Richmond detox facility while the remaining opioids are gently removed from your brain. The last leg of the detox process typically takes around 6 to 8 hours, and patients are monitored closely during this time to ensure everything is going as it should. After this last appointment, Fentanyl detox is complete and you will be given either an injection or an implant of long-lasting Naltrexone to help reduce cravings in the weeks following detox.
Why Choose The Coleman Institute’s Fentanyl Detox Program – A Fast, Comfortable Detox Option
Most people will not be able to stop using Fentanyl without experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms. The discomfort and possible danger of these symptoms lead most who want to quit to seek out a medical detoxification program. There are several common Fentanyl detox options in the Richmond, VA area:
We do not recommend attempting to self-detox from Fentanyl. Fentanyl is an extremely potent opioid, and trying to stop using it on your own could be very uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. Sudden stoppage of Fentanyl use (“going cold turkey”) can result in extreme physical discomfort and mental distress, and symptoms could become so extreme that they become life-threatening. Attempts to taper off your usual dose of Fentanyl to try to wean yourself off of it almost never succeed. Most who try to detox from Fentanyl themselves end up relapsing to get relief from the withdrawal symptoms. We highly recommend that you seek help from a professional when you’re ready to stop.
Inpatient Detox:
The typical inpatient Fentanyl detox program requires the patient to stay in a rehab facility or hospital for an extended period of time while medical professionals monitor the patient and administer medications to help with withdrawal pains and discomfort. The length of time the patient is required to stay depends on their condition, but it can be as long as 30 days or more. Such a long stay in rehab can be very disruptive to the patient’s daily responsibilities and can result in considerable medical expenses.
Ultra Rapid Opioid Detoxification (URD or UROD):
URD or UROD is a method of inpatient Fentanyl detox where a patient is admitted to a hospital, put under general anesthesia, and given doses of opioid antagonists like Naltrexone intravenously. This method can fully flush the Fentanyl out of a patient’s system in as little as five minutes, but this treatment is extremely expensive and can have serious health risks. There have been some reported fatalities after Ultra Rapid Opioid Detoxification. Our clinic has not used this method for detox since 2001.
Methadone or Buprenorphine:
Methadone and Buprenorphine (Suboxone) have both been useful medications for treating Fentanyl addiction. When used under the supervision of an experienced addiction specialist, they can help people who want to stop using Fentanyl transition to these relatively less dangerous opioids. However, the fact remains that Methadone and Buprenorphine are still opioids. Detoxing from Methadone or Buprenorphine when you want to stop using opioids altogether can be a challenge because they still cause withdrawal symptoms. Many of our patients have told us that detoxing from Methadone and Buprenorphine can be more difficult than detoxing from other opioids.
Our Outpatient Fentanyl Detox Program:
The Coleman Method of Fentanyl detoxification uses tailored doses of comfort medications alongside Naltrexone Therapy to help people detox from Fentanyl in as little as 5-6 days without the risks or costs associated with traditional programs and with as little disruption to daily activities and responsibilities as possible. The program has a 98% completion rate, and we think this statistic speaks for itself.
Insurance Accepted For Accelerated Opioid Detox At Our Richmond, VA Location
The Coleman Institute’s Richmond, VA office is in-network with many Blue Cross Blue Shield plans, including Anthem Virginia PPO and HMO plans. We also accept Aetna and Humana commercial plans and Optima (Sentera) Health. We are constantly expanding our in-network coverage, so please contact us to see if we accept your insurance.

Call 877-773-3869 or schedule a callback to check your insurance coverage.