Binge Drinking: When To Get Help for Alcohol Use

Binge Drinking: When To Get Help for Alcohol Use

In today’s society where a glass of wine at dinner or a beer with friends is the norm, the boundary between enjoying a moderate drink and veering into excessive or “binge” drinking territory can be hard to recognize. Throughout celebrations, gatherings, and even...
How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System?

How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System?

Drinking alcohol can have a profound impact on your overall health. It not only influences your immediate behavior through intoxication, but also poses long-term risks to your brain, liver, and other organs if used excessively. From the moment it is consumed, alcohol...
Alcohol Detox: Five Signs Your Liver Is Healing

Alcohol Detox: Five Signs Your Liver Is Healing

The decision to reduce or abstain from alcohol often marks a pivotal moment in a person’s life. This commitment often emerges from deep introspection, recognizing the negative impacts of excessive drinking on personal relationships, work-life, and overall health....
The Dangers of Alcohol Induced Psychosis

The Dangers of Alcohol Induced Psychosis

When considering the various health hazards associated with excessive alcohol consumption, the potential for physical harm often comes to mind: liver damage, heart disease and other health complications. However, one often overlooked but equally perilous consequence...