by The Coleman Institute | Sep 1, 2021
People in recovery deserve a lot of praise. The best gift that you can give someone in recovery is acknowledgment; an acknowledgement of how hard they have worked, how much they have changed, and how proud of them you are. If you didn’t know, those in recovery...
by The Coleman Institute | Feb 27, 2020
You have completed your detox, gotten through the worst of the Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) and now you are thinking “I need a vacation.” Great idea! Just like every other part of your recovery plan, this needs to be carefully thought out and planned. Some...
by The Coleman Institute | Feb 18, 2020
The following is a guest blog from a young woman who has chosen sobriety. It is a little longer than other blog articles, but I wanted to emphasize a couple of things by publishing it. One, you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to stop drinking. Two, if you are...
by The Coleman Institute | Jan 30, 2020
I carry a pen around at work (even though I have had to resign myself to using electronic medical records…sigh) because my patients in recovery say the most profound things. I mean, they’re not even trying to—and astonishing, inspiring things come out of their...
by The Coleman Institute | Nov 25, 2019
Oh my. The holidays. The responsibilities. The drama. The pressure. It can make a sane person crazy and a sober person relapse. There are so many things out there on social media about self-care, but as a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner with an additional specialty...