The Coleman Institute Blog
Feb 24
How To Get Fentanyl Out of Your System and Get Your Life Back
Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid and a major driver of the ongoing opioid crisis in America, has garnered widespread attention due to its exceptional potency and the rapid onset of its effects. This drug, which is up to 100 times more powerful than morphine, was initially developed for pain management treatment of cancer patients. However, its use has expanded outside medical boundaries, leading to a significant public health issue.
Feb 24
Is Heroin a Stimulant or a Depressant?
With widespread misconceptions and social stigmas more commonplace than ever, heroin dependence and addiction often remain shrouded in myth and misunderstanding. While many still consider it to be caused by an individual’s moral failing, at its core, heroin use disorder is a complex interplay of psychological, biological, social, and environmental factors. Many patients have similar kinds of questions when they first reach out to our team at the Coleman Institute, and one we encounter frequently is whether heroin is classified as a stimulant or a depressant.
Jan 24
Alcohol Detox: Timeline, Treatment, and Recovery
We all encounter difficult challenges that we must overcome at various points throughout our lives. For many, one of the most daunting is the struggle with alcohol dependence and addiction as part of an Alcohol Use Disorder. It is a condition that stealthily creeps into lives, often unnoticed at first then gradually tightening its grip, becoming a major concern and affecting health, relationships, and overall quality of life.
Jan 24
Naltrexone and Alcohol: How a Tiny Implant Can Have a Big Impact on Recovery
At the Coleman Institute, we know overcoming Alcohol Use Disorder is never an easy task. But breakthroughs in addiction medicine now offer new options for safe, effective recovery strategies for those patients who struggle with excessive drinking. Among these advancements is Naltrexone therapy using a long-term implant, which has emerged as a groundbreaking tool in the arsenal against alcohol dependency and addiction and is the cornerstone of the Coleman Method.
Jan 24
How Long Does Opioid Withdrawal Last?
Over the past few decades, opioid addiction and dependence have emerged as critical health crises, affecting countless individuals across the globe.
While progress has been made in developing faster, more efficient forms of opiate detox, understanding the process of opioid withdrawal is a vital step in addressing the issue. Read on to find out more about the physical impact, duration, and challenges of opioid withdrawal as we shed light on the timeline and provide valuable insights for those seeking recovery from opioid use disorder.