The Coleman Institute Blog
Mar 17
Feeding the Tiger Metaphor – What Is It & How to Get Help
Recently a mother of one of my patients expressed her concern that although her daughter was willingly going through our Medically Assisted Opioid Withdrawal process and committed to not using narcotics, she was insistent about her intention to continue using pot when she returned home. Her daughter insists it is the only thing that helps with her anxiety.
I don’t make any moral judgments about using marijuana, but I think it’s probably useful for someone who has the disease of addiction to be curious about alternative approaches to dealing with anxiety. There are so many great tools and therapists available to help people learn to coexist with their anxiety, and I struggle to simply see them surrender to a pharmaceutical “solution.”
Feb 17
The Soul in Hiding
“The human soul doesn't want to be fixed, it simply wants to be seen and heard. The soul is like a wild animal - tough, resilient and shy. When we go crashing through the woods shouting for it to come out so we can help it, the soul will stay in hiding. But if we are willing to sit quietly and wait for a while, the soul may show itself.”
These are the words of Parker J. Palmer.
I am reading this, thinking of the patients who come through our doors, desperate to be released from the grip of substances, and from the grip of agonizing thoughts.
Feb 17
Bring It Home – Please Spread The Word
Feb 17
A Drug-Free Dad
It was very gratifying to see Benjamin* for his naltrexone implant follow up appointment earlier this month. He first came to the Coleman Institute-Richmond for his rapid opioid detox about eight months ago to get off methadone.
Jan 17
From Anxiety to Peace
Besides helping people release themselves from chemical addictions and launch new lives through our various Accelerated Opioid Detox programs, we also have a pretty robust family practice.
Many people in our community with addiction issues become our family practice patients. It’s helpful for your doctor to know your history and understand the medical problems that accompany alcohol and/or other drug addiction.