
The Coleman Institute Blog

How Long Do Opioids Stay In Your System?


Jun 23

June 27, 2023

How Long Do Opioids Stay In Your System?

Opioids encompass a wide range of substances, including powerful prescription medications like fentanyl, oxycodone and hydrocodone, as well as illicit drugs such as heroin or street fentanyl. Each opioid has unique characteristics, including varying half-lives and rates of metabolism, which affect the duration of its presence in the body.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction: When It’s Time to Seek Help


May 23

May 15, 2023

Signs of Alcohol Addiction: When It’s Time to Seek Help

Alcohol is a widely accepted and often celebrated substance, but it can also be addictive and harmful. If you are struggling with alcohol use, it may be difficult to recognize when it's time to seek help. However, acknowledging the problem and seeking treatment is the first step towards recovery. This article will explore the signs that indicate it's time to seek help for alcohol addiction and answer some common questions about alcohol addiction treatment.

10 Motivational Quotes for Overcoming Addiction


May 23

May 15, 2023

10 Motivational Quotes for Overcoming Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a challenging battle to fight, but with the right mindset and tools, it is possible to overcome addiction. Here are ten motivational quotes to inspire and encourage those who are going through addiction treatment or considering it.

A Fast and Easy Way to Detox off Opioids


May 23

May 11, 2023

A Fast and Easy Way to Detox off Opioids

These were not my words, but the words of a patient who completed a 5-day opioid detox with us a few weeks ago. A couple of years ago, his detox would probably have been 3 days—he believed he was using a gram or a gram and a half of heroin a day—but when fentanyl was discovered in his urine, the length of his outpatient detox was increased.

This is both for his comfort and his safety.

How to Safely Stop Drinking in 2023


Mar 23

March 14, 2023

How to Safely Stop Drinking in 2023

Vet me if you like, but after a little browsing on the internet, I read that:

Only 9% of people are successful in keeping with their New Year's resolutions. Most people quit with the new year goals on the second Friday of the month. 43% of people are most likely to give up on their New Year's resolution by the month of February.

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