by The Coleman Institute | Jan 25, 2022
Brenda is a 54-year-old woman who told me, “I am so sick and tired of being dependent on pain medication, I could scream.” She tried several times to stop taking her medication. She would get so far before the withdrawal became intolerable. One of her biggest problems...
by The Coleman Institute | Jan 22, 2022
When I started working at the Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine many years ago, I was blown away by the parents who were shell-shocked to learn that their children—their high achieving, athletic, award-winning, popular, beloved children—were addicted to heroin....
by The Coleman Institute | Jan 20, 2022
I wrote about Ken in an earlier blog titled “Restoring Energy After Opioid Withdrawal.” At that time, Ken was 5 weeks out from completing an Accelerated Opiate Detox off high doses of opioids, including hydromorphone and fentanyl. His energy was beginning...
by Andrew Blake | Jan 18, 2022
Typical scenario at the Coleman Institute: A patient and their support person arrive at the office to begin an accelerated opioid detox from heroin, fentanyl, Dilaudid®, Percocet®, Vicodin®, etc. Many patients also seek our help to come off long-acting MAT...
by The Coleman Institute | Jan 18, 2022
Here at the Coleman Institute, we know that drug addiction is a disease. It’s not your fault, but it’s devastating and it affects an awful lot of people. Since 2002, we’ve helped over 8,500 people successfully detox off of drugs or opioids and we’re...