by The Coleman Institute | Jun 4, 2020
As we all navigate the coronavirus pandemic, I thought it would be a good time to look at some of many slogans associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 Step programs. Although they can sound kind of cheesy, each has an underlying message that can be helpful....
by The Coleman Institute | Jun 2, 2020
We all have to display an immense amount of courage and resilience to make it through the current pandemic. It’s a difficult and painful time in the history of the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is all over the media. It is natural to feel fearful and discouraged. There...
by The Coleman Institute | May 28, 2020
All habits are behaviors that have been repeated enough times to become automatic. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, breaks habits into simple feedback loops composed of four steps: cue, craving, response, and reward. His four laws of behavior change are rules we...
by The Coleman Institute | May 26, 2020
Although author James Clear makes it, well, clear—that addiction is not just someone’s “bad habit”, I think it totally makes sense for people in recovery to utilize some of the concepts he captures in his best selling book, Atomic Habits. Clear has taken the topic of...
by The Coleman Institute | May 25, 2020
Using willpower to change a behavior means working hard to achieve something; Merriam Webster defines will power as “energetic determination.” If I need willpower to accomplish something, then I am attempting a task that I feel some level of conflict about doing. Like...